Welcome to Damien's Archive!
Hello, I'm Damien.
Damien Paeng
팽동명 (Dongmyung Paeng)
Inquiries and Contact: contact@damienpaeng.com
I Am...
A Business Operations Associate at Airbnb. I graduated from Seoul National University with a BA in Economics and Aesthetics.
I adhere to philosophy as a way of life. I am not interested in growth merely as the development of problem-solving skills. Instead, I focus on growth as a path to a deeper and broader character.
I am an agnostic and a pluralist. I believe in absolute principles beyond what we can experience and perceive. I think the crossroads of wisdom can bring us closer to these principles.
I am an existentialist. I ponder how to take the next step well in this world that presents itself only to me. Finding a way to sublimate the solitude and pressure that come with this is my current paramount task.
I am a holist. I see beliefs and values as forming a unified field. It is as important not to reduce situations indiscriminately as it is to identify the most critical dependency factor.
I enjoy conversations about each person’s underlying brute facts. We can only vaguely understand each other, at best, only when we encounter the frameworks of thoughts that we either agree with or cannot agree with.
I believe the limits of language are the limits of the world. What cannot be expressed in words and writing should be considered unknown. Therefore, I spend much time translating my floating thoughts into writing.
In this space, I will share my thoughts, critiques, lessons learned, and my moments.
Curriculum Vitae
- Airbnb, Business Operations Associate ('24~)
- Sendbird, Engineering Operations Specialist (’22~’24)
- Bain & Company, Associate Consultant Trainee (‘21~’22)
- IMM Private Equity, Research Analyst (‘21)
- RAKUN, Founder (‘20~’21)
- Deer Corporation, Founding Member ('18~'19)
- Seoul National University, BA in Economics & Aesthetics ('16~'23)
Publications and Awards
- <Myrmecoleon>, ISBN 979-11-976422-4-1 (03600) ('22)
- Recipient of the Diversity Book Recommendation Award, hosted by the Diversity Committee at Seoul National University ('21)
- Recipient of the Art Business Idea Presenting Competition, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (’20)
- Lean-startup Study <FastFailer>, Founder ('21~'24)
- Movie Discussion Group <The Films We Love, The Love We Seek>, Organizer ('23~'24)
- Dental Floss Sales Project <Chisil Market>, Leader ('22)
Fun Facts
- I’m a travel enthusiast. I have visited over 20 countries across five continents, excluding South America.
- I'm an energetic performer. As a former actor in the SNU Musical Club and the frontman for a few amateur bands, I have performed over 20 times, reaching a total audience of more than 2,000 people.
- My favorite artists include Kiha & The Faces, Sister's Barbershop, Oasis, Chopin, Debussy, Kandinsky, and Ted Chiang.